Meet the ABLE Team

Carvel Dixon

Founder  & Designer

Jamal Dixon-Brown


Tasha Brown


A Small Team, growing by the grace of God to make this business rise. Here at ABLE, We Apply, We Believe, We Learn, and We Engage. This Business was founded by Our Very Own Carvel Dixon. Carvel was born with Autism, which made it harder for him to communicate, fit in, and be with others that were considered Normal People.  With a loving family of four brothers and his mother, he found himself blessed with a gift. A Gift of Art in drawing and creating pictures to express himself both good and bad. With this talent, Mr. Dixon was able to expand his creations to a whole different league, Making T-shirts. Unique T-Shirts to Everyone's favorite Characters, A Theme, A Holiday or even a Special Message to help motivate you throughout your day. Here at ABLE's T-shirts, our motto is that "I Can Do It!"